Delivering renewable power to Maui for future generations

Project Overview

Kaheawa Wind 1, Maui’s first wind farm, is pleased to present Maui with an opportunity to continue operation of the existing wind farm and deliver new benefits for Maui today and for future generations.

Since 2006, Kaheawa Wind 1 has proudly served the people of Hawai‘i, locally generating enough clean energy to power approximately 17,000 Maui homes annually and contributing to energy affordability, energy security, and the state’s movement toward a sustainable, renewable energy future and goal of 100% renewable energy by 2045. Combined, Kaheawa Wind 1 & 2 power approximately 25,000 Maui households annually at 30 and 21 MWs respectively.

In response to the Stage 3 Request for Proposals from Hawaiian Electric, our proposal reflects an opportunity to continue generating local, renewable energy at below the cost of fossil fuels. We are committed to designing and delivering a new community benefits program in collaboration with the community, and furthering a legacy of safety, environmental stewardship, and respect for the land and community.

Project Benefits

Deliver clean, renewable, locally generated energy at far below the cost of fossil fuels

  • Kaheawa Wind 1 proposes to deliver clean energy to Maui below the cost of fossil fuels and below its current rate
  • Unlike fossil fuel powered generators that expose consumers to price volatility, Kaheawa Wind 1’s cost of energy will remain fixed over its contract term

Maximize value of existing infrastructure & provide essential energy resource diversity

  • Kaheawa Wind is an essential contributor to resource diversity and system reliability on Maui, and is a highly productive wind site
  • Extending the life of Kaheawa Wind 1 will reduce future land disturbance required to build new generating resources to replace it

Deliver a new community benefits program

  • Kaheawa Wind 1 will collaborate with the community on design and delivery of a new community benefits program that reflects Maui’s needs and choice, to be delivered with local, non-profit partners
  • Reflecting our commitment to a just transition for Maui, Kaheawa Wind 1 has committed to a program funding level significantly above HECO’s Stage 3 guidance

Community Outreach

Kaheawa Wind 1 will go through a comprehensive community engagement and permitting process in 2024 & 2025 to build upon its legacy of safety, environmental stewardship, and respect for the land and community.

Project Timeline


Government Permits & Approvals


Schedule Subject to Change


Kaheawa Wind 1 Project Summary

Community Outreach Plan

Cultural Brief

Contact Us

We appreciate your interest and participation in Hawai'i’s renewable energy future. We look forward to hearing your ideas, thoughts and comments.